Considered one of the
biggest innovative thinkers and contributors to the Indian
history, Aryabhata gave a whole new dimension to
astronomy, mathematical rules and propositions.
Born in 476 A.D.,
in Kerala, the Hindu astronomer Aryabhata studied in Nalanda
University near Kusumaputra, now Patna. His only surviving
work is amassed in Aryabhatiya,...
Sunday, 16 September 2012
The Greatest Historical Astronomers
An interesting book entitled, "Human
Accomplishment" by Charles Murray has attempted to select the most
important figures in the arts and sciences from 800 BC to 1950 AD. A
total of 4002 significant figures were culled from a large number of
authoritative sources covering astronomy, physics, mathematics,
chemistry, biology, earth sciences, technology, the various arts, and
philosophy. Murray used statistical analysis as a guide to avoid
selections based on nationality, gender, race, or popularity. I think he
The Formation of Galaxies
Theoretical investigations indicate that galaxies formed from a diluted
but lumpy mixture of hydrogen and helium gas - the primordial elements
forged in the Big Bang. They also indicate that two vastly different
scales of mass prevailed less than 100 million years after the Big
Bang, which ultimately affected the formation of galaxies. (See the
later discussion of dark matter and the
formation of structure.)
Two Scales of Matter
Thursday, 13 September 2012
what are galaxies ?

We assume the stars to be gathered together into galaxies and that these form the
basic building blocks of the visible matter in the Universe.
Many of the galaxies are similar to our own Milky Way, but many are rather
The adjacent image shows the Hubble Deep Field: the Hubble Space Telescope was pointed at the same region
of the sky (in the constellation Ursa Major) for 10 consecutive days and images were combined...
What is the age of the universe ?

As we shall discuss further in connection with the big bang, there is strong evidence that the Universe has not always existed, but instead came into being a finite amount of time ago. There are several measures of the age of the Universe. Let us discuss two: (1) the age of globular clusters and (2) the inverse of the Hubble constant.
Globular Clusters
As we have already discussed, the turn-off point for the HR...
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Precession of the Earth's Rotation Axis
The Earth's rotation axis is not fixed in space. Like a rotating toy top, the
direction of the rotation axis executes a slow precession with a period of
26,000 years (see following figure).
Pole Stars are Transient
Thus, Polaris will not always be the Pole Star or North Star.
The Earth's rotation axis happens to be pointing almost exactly at Polaris now,
but in 13,000 years the precession of the rotation axis will mean that...
10 Strange and Amazing Astronomy Facts

Even though man has studied the heavens for thousands of years, we still know very little about the Universe
we live in. And as we continue to learn more, we are consistently
amazed, and sometimes confused, by what we learn. Here is a collection
of amazing, interesting, and strange astronomy facts, in no particular
Scientists believe that we can only see about 5% of the matter in the Universe. The rest is made up of invisible...
Why astronomy is cool ?( Five reasons )

Planetary Nebula Mz3: The Ant Nebula
It’s beautiful
If you go out on a dark moonless night,
you will immediately know what I mean. The Milky Way, stretching its
jagged course across the heavens, is quite a sight to behold. The
constellations, particularly the winter constellations, have an elegance
and familiarity to them. The Moon is also an appealing object, with its
ever changing phases and frequent conjunctions...