The best known comet of all is Halley, which has returned with a 74-79
year period since 240 B.C. The following image
shows a famous view of the
full tail of Halley recorded from the Mount Wilson Observatory.
Comet Halley from Mount Wilson
Edmund Halley and His Comet
The English astronomer
Edmund Halley
was a good friend of Isaac Newton. In 1705 he used Newton's new theory of
gravitation to determine the orbits...
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
The Hot Big Bang
The big bang starts off with a state of extremely high density and pressure for the
Universe. Under those conditions, the Universe is dominated by radiation. This
means that the majority of the energy is in the form of photons and other
massless or nearly massless particles (like neutrinos) that move at near the speed
of light. As the big bang evolves in time, the temperature drops rapidly as the
Universe expands and the average velocity of particles decreases.
Finally, one
reaches a state where the energy of the...
Monday, 29 October 2012
Dark Matter

There are many reasons to believe that the universe is full of
"dark matter",
matter that influences the evolution of the universe gravitationally, but is
not seen directly
in our present observations.
FIGURE: Superposed on
an optical picture of a group of galaxies is an
X-ray image taken by
The image shows hot gas (which produces X-rays)
highlighted in
false red color .
The presence of this confined gas
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Matter in the Universe
Matter is generally considered to be anything that has mass and volume. The volume is determined by the space in three dimensions that it occupies. The mass is determined by its rest mass (or invariant mass),
which is measured by the acceleration a body has when a force is
applied. The greater the mass, the slower the acceleration for the same
force. Matter is thus a general term for the substance of which all
observable physical objects consist
The matter in the universe is created by the big bang, but not in the...
Cosmology is the study of the larger issues: how "big" is the Universe, does it
have an "end", what is its
large-scale structure, how old is the Universe, how long will it live?
Cosmology is the study of the origin and the development of the Universe. As such,
it is concerned with the large scale, both with respect to distance, and with
respect to the past and future for the Universe.
The Central Themes of Modern Cosmology
The central tenet of modern cosmology is the idea that the Universe is expanding,
and that...
Motion of the Sun
The Sun is in motion, just like any other star.
Motion of the Sun Relative to Local Stars
First, the Sun and the other
stars in its vicinity partake of the
general rotation of the galaxy (the Milky Way Galaxy rotates once about every 225
million years). This corresponds to an average velocity of about 220 km/s.
The space velocities that we measure for other stars then correspond to deviations
from this average motion for the stars around the Sun. This happens because the
Sun and the stars near it are on somewhat...
Saturday, 27 October 2012
Limitations of the Human Eye
The human eye is a remarkable biological invention, a shining triumph of the process of evolution. Although the human eye was the detector that started us on mankind's exploration of the Cosmos, it has some shortcomings that ultimately limit that exploration:
The eye has limited size and therefore limited light-gathering power.
The eye has limited frequency response, since it can only see electromagnetic radiation in the visible wavelengths.
The eye distinguishes a new image multiple times a second, so it cannot...
Saturday, 20 October 2012
Planet found in nearest star system to Earth

This artist’s impression shows the planet orbiting the star Alpha
Centauri B, a member of the triple star system that is the closest to
Earth. Alpha Centauri B is the most brilliant object in the sky, and the
other dazzling object is Alpha Centauri A. Our own Sun is visible to
the upper right. The tiny signal of the planet was found with the HARPS
spectrograph on the 3.6-meter telescope at ESO’s La Silla Observatory in