Friday 30 November 2012

What is Light?

Light is simply a name for a range of electromagnetic radiation that can be detected by the human eye. What is electromagnetic radiation, then?

Electromagnetic radiation has a dual nature as both particles and waves. One way to look at it is as changing electric and magnetic fields which propagate through space, forming an electromagnetic wave. [illustration] This wave has amplitude, which is the brightness of the light, wavelength, which is the color of the light, and an angle at which it is vibrating, called polarization. This was the classical interpretation, crystallized in Maxwell's Equations, which held sway until Planck, Einstein and others came along with quantum theory. In terms of the modern quantum theory, electromagnetic radiation consists of particles called photons, which are packets ("quanta") of energy which move at the speed of light. In this particle view of light, the brightness of the light is the number of photons, the color of the light is the energy contained in each photon, and four numbers (X, Y, Z and T) are the polarization.

Which interpretation is correct? Both of them, actually. It turns out electromagnetic radiation can have both wave-like and particle-like properties as demonstrated in experiments such as the dual slit experiment. In this exploration of light, we will primarily take the wave viewpoint as it is a more useful description of the everyday properties of light, but keep in mind that both viewpoints are valid, and sometimes we will use the quantum viewpoint too.

On to the numbers! Light ranges from wavelengths of 7x10-5 cm (red) to 4x10-5 cm (violet) and (like all electromagnetic radiation) travels at the speed of light, 299,792,458 meters per second or 186,282 miles per second. (Interesting fact: the speed of light is actually defined to be 299,792,458 meters per second and scientists combine this with the definition of a second to create the definition of a meter! As stated at the 17th General conference on weights and Measures, "The meter is the length of the path traveled by light in a vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second.")

The frequency (number of wavelengths per second) of a light wave may be calculated using the equation c=ln where l is the wavelength, n is the frequency and c is the speed of light. In quantum theory, a photon has energy equal to hn, where h is Plank's constant and n is the frequency of the light in classical theory.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Origin of the Universe

The universe is big in both space and time and, for much of humankind’s history, was beyond the reach of our instruments and our minds. That changed dramatically in the 20th century. The advances were driven equally by powerful ideas—from Einstein’s general relativity to modern theories of the elementary particles—and powerful instruments—from the 100- and 200-inch reflectors that George Ellery Hale built, which took us beyond our Milky Way galaxy, to the Hubble Space Telescope, which has taken us back to the birth of galaxies. Over the past 20 years the pace of progress has accelerated with the realization that dark matter is not made of ordinary atoms, the discovery of dark energy, and the dawning of bold ideas such as cosmic inflation and the multiverse.

The universe of 100 years ago was simple: eternal, unchanging, consisting of a single galaxy, containing a few million visible stars. The picture today is more complete and much richer. The cosmos began 13.7 billion years ago with the big bang. A fraction of a second after the beginning, the universe was a hot, formless soup of the most elementary particles, quarks and leptons. As it expanded and cooled, layer on layer of structure developed: neutrons and protons, atomic nuclei, atoms, stars, galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and finally superclusters. The observable part of the universe is now inhabited by 100 billion galaxies, each containing 100 billion stars and probably a similar number of planets. Galaxies themselves are held together by the gravity of the mysterious dark matter. The universe continues to expand and indeed does so at an accelerating pace, driven by dark energy, an even more mysterious form of energy whose gravitational force repels rather than attracts.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Light: Particle or a Wave?

Light has intrigued humankind for centuries. The most ancient theories considered light as something emitted by the human eye. Later on, it was understood that light should come from the objects seen and that it entered the eye producing the feeling of vision.

The question of whether light is composed by a beam of particles or it is a certain type of wave movement has frequently been studied in the history of science. Between the proponents and defendants of the corpuscular theory of light, the most influential was undoubtedly Newton. Using the above mentioned theory, he was able to explain the laws of reflection and refraction. Nevertheless, his deduction of the law of refraction was based on the hypothesis that light moves more quickly in water or in glass than in air.

Reflection by a mirror
Some time later, the hypothesis was proved to be wrong. The main proponents of the wave theory of light were Christian Huygens and Robert Hooke. Using their own theory of wave propagation, Huygens was able to explain reflection and refraction supposing that light travels more slowly in glass or in water than in air. Newton realized about the advantages of the wave theory of light, particularly because it explained colours formed by thin films, which he had studied very thoroughly.
Not withstanding, he rejected the wave theory due to the apparent rectilinear propagation of light. In his time, diffraction of the luminous beam, which allows to evade objects, had not yet been observed.

Newton’s corpuscular theory of light was accepted for more than a century. After some time, in 1801, Thomas Young revitalized the wave theory of light. He was one of the first scientists to introduce the idea of interference as a wave phenomenon present both in the light and in the sound. His observations of interferences obtained from light were a clear demonstration of their wave nature.

Nevertheless, Young’s research was not known by the scientific community for more than ten years. Probably, the most important breakthrough regarding a general acceptance of the wave theory of light is due to the French physicist Augustin Fresnel (1782-1827), who conducted thorough experiments on interference and diffraction. He also developed a wave theory based on a solid mathematical foundation. In 1850, Jean Foucault measured the speed of light in water and checked that it is slower than in air.

Thus, he finally destroyed Newton’s corpuscular theory of light. In 1860, James Clerk Maxwell published his electromagnetic mathematical theory which preceded the existence of electromagnetic waves. These waves propagated with a calculated speed through electricity and magnetism laws which was equivalent in value to 3 x 108 m/s, the same value than the speed of light. Maxwell’s theory was confirmed by Hertz in 1887 who used a tuned electric circuit to generate waves and another similar circuit to detect them. In the second half of the 19th century, Kirchoff and other scientists applied Maxwell’s laws to explain interference and diffraction of light and other electromagnetic waves and support Huygens’ empirical methods of wave construction on a solid mathematical basis.

Although wave theory is generally correct when propagation of light is described (and of other electromagnetic waves), it fails when other light properties are to be explained, specially the interaction of light with matter. Hertz, in a famous experiment in 1887 confirmed Maxwell’s wave theory, and he also discovered the photoelectric effect. Such an effect can also be explained by means of a model of particles for light, as Einstein proved only a few years later. This way, a new corpuscular model of light was introduced.
 The particles of light are known as photons and energy E of a photon is related to frequency f of the luminous wave associated by Einstein’s famous ratio E = h · f (h = Planck’s constant). A complete understanding of dual nature of light was not achieved before the 20′s in the 20th century. Experiments conducted by scientists of the time (Davisson, Germer, Thompson and others) proved that electrons (and other “particles”) also had a dual nature and presented interference and diffraction properties besides their well-known particle properties.

In brief, the modern theory of quantum mechanics of luminous radiation accepts the fact that light seems to have a dual nature. On the one hand, light propagation phenomena find a better explanation within Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory (electromagnetic wave fundamental nature). On the other hand, mutual action between light and matter, in the processes of absorption and emission, is a photoelectric phenomenon (corpuscular nature).

Monday 26 November 2012

How Is Lightning Made?

How is lightning made?
How is lightning made? People used to make up stories to answer that question. Today, science tells us how.

You have heard of Ben Franklin. Did you know he flew a kite during a thunderstorm? He wanted to prove that lightning is a form of electricity. We know now that flying a kite in a storm is not safe. But, Ben was right. Lightning is a form of electricity. How does this "electricity" form?

What do You Need to Make Lightning?
Drawing of a dark cloud with snow flakes and drops of water and small circles with either a plus or minus sign in them
Image above: Ice crystals and water droplets bump together and move apart to cause electricity.
You need cold air and warm air. When they meet, the warm air goes up. It makes thunderstorm clouds! The cold air has ice crystals. The warm air has water droplets. During the storm, the droplets and crystals bump together and move apart in the air. This rubbing makes static electrical charges in the clouds.

Cartoon battery standing up with a plus sign near the top and a minus sign near the bottom

Just like a battery, these clouds have a "plus" end and a "minus" end. The plus, or positive, charges in the cloud are at the top. The minus, or negative, charges are at the bottom. When the charge at the bottom gets strong enough, the cloud lets out energy.

Be Safe in a Storm

Lightning is dangerous. Here are some safety rules.
    Be Safe in a Storm

  • Stay away from open spaces. But, do not stand under a tree. The best place is inside a building.
  • If you are swimming, get out of the water. Get out as soon as you see a storm coming. The storm may seem far away, but lightning can travel over 20 miles!
  • During a thunderstorm, shut off or unplug all electrical items. Do not use the phone.
  • Never walk in a thunderstorm carrying a metal pole. Don't even carry an umbrella!
  • How will you know if a lightning strike is near you? You will feel the hair on your head or body start to stand up. If this happens, go to a safe place. Go quickly! If there is no safe place near, get as close to the ground as you can. 
Drawing of lightning in a night sky
Scientists have learned some facts about lightning from pictures. Some lightning flashes are made up of as many as 25 or more lightning bolts (strokes). They move so fast that your eyes only see one flash!

Lightning is fun to watch. But, make sure you do so safely. he energy goes through the air. It goes to a place that has the opposite charge. This lightning bolt of energy that is let out is called a leader stroke. It can go from the cloud to the ground. Or, a leader stroke can go from the cloud to another cloud. No one is sure why lightning bolts follow a zigzag path as they move. The main bolt or stroke will go back up to the cloud. It will make a flash of lightning. It will also heat the air. The air will spread quickly. It will make the sound we hear as thunder.

Sunday 25 November 2012

Why is it dark at night?

Dark at night

The question seems almost too shallow and silly and trivial even to ask. Why is it dark at night?

The answers my family gave me were typical, such as, "The sun has gone to bed and pulled down the nightshade".

Thanks guys! But in reality, the question is very deep and subtle.

On a moonless night, the sky is dark, apart from the light of the stars (let's ignore the planets). The starlight we see comes from the several hundred billion stars in our single galaxy — known as the Milky Way — as well as from the stars in the several hundred billion galaxies out there in our universe.

That is a huge number of stars, and if you add them all up, they emit a lot of starlight.

Let's use a simple example. Think of each star as being a tree, and imagine that you are in a clearing in a forest, and that you look only horizontally (not up, and not down).

When you look north or south, east or west, or any direction in between, you will always see a tree trunk.

In the same way, with thousands of billions of billions of stars in the sky, wherever you look, your nocturnal gaze should always land on a star. And so, the night sky should blaze with a continuous blanket of intense light. But it doesn't.

This question has bothered astronomers for centuries, beginning with the English mathematician and astronomer, Thomas Digges, in 1576. Many astronomers worried about this, including Kepler, Halley, and then Heinrich Olbers in 1823.

For various reasons, this problem became known as Olbers' Paradox.

Olbers suggested that most of the starlight was absorbed by gas and dust between the stars. Going back to our example of the forest, a fog would obscure the more distant trees, with foggy gaps in between, so that all we can see are the closest trees.

Unfortunately, this solution didn't work, because the gas and dust would get hot enough to glow.

Other suggestions that also don't solve this problem include the theories that nearby stars block the light from distant stars, that the stars are grouped into clusters, that the universe is expanding, and so on.
Edward R. Harrison gives a very nice summary of 15 possible solutions in his book, Cosmology, The Science of The Universe.

Yes, if the universe is infinitely old, and is infinitely large and has stars everywhere, then the night sky should be filled with stars.

But when we look, the night sky is full of darkness, relieved by relatively few stars. There's a bunch of reasons.

First, the universe that we can see is not infinitely old, but only about 13.7 billion years old.

Second, the universe is not infinitely large. The observable universe reaches out some 46 billion light-years.

Third, stars do not shine forever. Instead, they typically burn out after several billion years. So, some of the distant stars have already switched off even though their light is still travelling towards us.

Fourth, light takes actual time to get to us. For example, we see the Sun as it was eight minutes ago, the nearest night stars as they were four years ago, and the Andromeda galaxy as it was two million years ago.

This means that the light from some more distant and younger stars has not yet reached us.

So let's finish off by going back to our clearing in the forest, where we imagine each star to be a tree. We are ringed by an inner circle of fairly old trees. Then, as we go outwards, around this inner circle are rings of progressively younger trees, and then a band of seedlings, and finally, a vast treeless plain.

 So the trees (and the stars) have gaps between them, which is why it's dark at night.

The problem of day and night is not as simple as black and white. After all, it took us a couple of centuries to solve, and so now we're no longer in the dark.

Saturday 24 November 2012

How was the Sun formed?

How was the Sun formed?
From studies of other stars which astronomers can see in many different stages of their 'life cycle', it seems pretty convincing from the data that the sun must have started out as a large collapsing cloud of gas inside some ancient interstellar cloud. This cloud was 'polluted' by a supernova several million years before the collapse phase ended, because we see certain isotopes of aluminum which could not have been a part of this cloud for very long unless they had been implanted by such an event. 

The cloud collapsed for millions of years until it formed a rotating disk with a large central bulge. Out of the disk would eventually form the planets, and out of this central bulge where most of the mass wound up, formed the sun. We see such rotating disks of gas around many infant stars embedded in nebulae so this has confirmed this basic picture during the last 15 years or so. This isn't just 'theory' anymore.

The central bulge continued to collapse under its own gravity until deep in its interior the temperatures got so high...several million degrees....that deuterium atoms began to fuse and give off thermonuclear energy. This slowed the collapse down a bit and eventually led to a second stage where hydrogen nuclei could fuse into helium, which then started the sun's current evolutionary phase.

While all this was happening, the surface of the sun became very active and produced a powerful wind which blew out all of the remaining gas and dust in the surrounding disk of gas which had not settled into the bodies of the new planets that had formed. This 'T-Tauri wind' also scoured clean the atmospheres of the inner planets so that they were bare rock. Those that were volcanically active, however, were able to regenerate their atmospheres from the gases ejected by volcanic activity.

From start to finish, it took something like 10 million years to form the sun and planets from a collapsing cloud of gas, and this is not very long at all!!

Friday 23 November 2012


White holes perform exactly opposite of black holes. A white hole emits everything, and has no gravity. Although white holes are not believed to exist they are mathematically possible. The possibility of white holes has been proven using Einstein's Theory of Relativity (Bunn). In short, the Theory of Relativity is a mathematical formula dealing with time, energy, speed, and mass. The possibility of white hole uses the time portion of relativity. If white holes do exist they might be in another universe, in a separate space and time from our own (Hawking, Black Holes 116). White holes are the output of black holes. Where a white hole spits things out is unknown ("Black").

The existence of black holes is real. White holes are mathematically possible and now the wormhole enters the picture. Wormholes are a special link between a black and a white hole. The special link is made when both the black and white hole are rotating or spinning in the same direction. If the black hole is spinning, matter will miss the singularity in the black hole. Second, both the black hole and the white hole must have the same electrical charge. Identical electrical charges are important such that matter is not changed passing through the wormhole. As a result of the special conditions, matter enters a black hole, misses the singularity, and pops out the white hole. The entrance of the black hole is in one place and time; the exit of the white hole is in an another space and time. All wormholes function as time machines ("Tech").

 The illustration above shows a basic wormhole. On the topside of the plane is a black hole. On the bottom side of the plane is white hole. The entire assembly is called a wormhole. The plane represents space-time, notice how space-time is warped. The light emitted from a star is warped as it travels to us. The gravity of large objects causes the curvature of space-time. For example, to get from Earth to Alpha Centauri, a distance of 20 million million miles would have to be traveled around the curve. By taking a short cut such as a wormhole, only a few million miles would have to be traversed (Hawking, Illustrated 201). The wormhole is direct, whereas the curved route is much longer. The only other way to cut down on time is to travel faster than the speed of light. The Theory of Relativity forbids this outlaw speed. The speed of light limit has not been violated, because a short cut is taken. Relativity has no problem with the short cut. Travelling through a wormhole is not travelling faster, just covering a shorter distance. Like a rubber band, space and time are stretched inside the wormhole. Traveling one mile in a wormhole would be equivalent to millions of miles outside the wormhole. One could start a trip into one wormhole, and return via another wormhole. If these wormholes are set up correctly, the return time could be before one even departed (Hawking, Illustrated 202).

Wormholes could be the best method of travel to far distant galaxies. It would take a hundred thousand years traveling to the center of our galaxy and back at the speed of light. Taking a wormhole could get us back in time for dinner. As it stands now, wormholes are not within our reach. If a wormhole does exist, it most likely is not stable. If anything were to disturb a wormhole, such as a person, it would collapse. Wormholes are half black holes hence; the collapse of wormhole would result in entering a black hole. If a wormhole could be stabilized, theoretically we could use one for time travel. Our understanding of the universe disables us from the skills needed to stabilize wormholes. Most scientists do not believe wormholes exist because no proof has been found. At one time scientists did not believe humans could fly to the moon, but that was accomplished in the late 1960's. Our rate of scientific advancement is such, that in some distant future we may find a wormhole.

Thursday 22 November 2012

What Is a Black Hole?

What Is a Black Hole?
Black HoleA black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light can not get out. The gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space. This can happen when a star is dying.

Because no light can get out, people can't see black holes. They are invisible. Space telescopes with special tools can help find black holes. The special tools can see how stars that are very close to black holes act differently than other stars.

How Big Are Black Holes?How Big Are Black Holes?

Black holes can be big or small. Scientists think the smallest black holes are as small as just one atom. These black holes are very tiny but have the mass of a large mountain. Mass is the amount of matter, or "stuff," in an object.

Another kind of black hole is called "stellar." Its mass can be up to 20 times more than the mass of the sun. There may be many, many stellar mass black holes in Earth's galaxy. Earth's galaxy is called the Milky Way.  

The largest black holes are called "supermassive." These black holes have masses that are more than 1 million suns together. Scientists have found proof that every large galaxy contains a supermassive black hole at its center. The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy is called Sagittarius A. It has a mass equal to about 4 million suns and would fit inside a very large ball that could hold a few million Earths. 

How Do Black Holes Form?How Do Black Holes Form?

Scientists think the smallest black holes formed when the universe began.

Stellar black holes are made when the center of a very big star falls in upon itself, or collapses. When this happens, it causes a supernova. A supernova is an exploding star that blasts part of the star into space.

Scientists think supermassive black holes were made at the same time as the galaxy they are in.

If Black Holes Are "Black," How Do Scientists Know They Are There?

A black hole can not be seen because strong gravity pulls all of the light into the middle of the black hole. But scientists can see how the strong gravity affects the stars and gas around the black hole. Scientists can study stars to find out if they are flying around, or orbiting, a black hole.

When a black hole and a star are close together, high-energy light is made. This kind of light can not be seen with human eyes. Scientists use satellites and telescopes in space to see the high-energy light.

Could a Black Hole Destroy Earth?Could a Black Hole Destroy Earth?

Black holes do not go around in space eating stars, moons and planets. Earth will not fall into a black hole because no black hole is close enough to the solar system for Earth to do that.

Even if a black hole the same mass as the sun were to take the place of the sun, Earth still would not fall in. The black hole would have the same gravity as the sun. Earth and the other planets would orbit the black hole as they orbit the sun now.

The sun will never turn into a black hole. The sun is not a big enough star to make a black hole.

How Is NASA Studying Black Holes?

NASA is using satellites and telescopes that are traveling in space to learn more about black holes. These spacecraft help scientists answer questions about the universe.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Does the Moon rotate? And if the Moon rotates, why do we always see the same side?

Lunar Libration with phase2

The Moon is familiar; it always looks the same. We know that the Earth rotates, that’s why the Sun, Moon and stars seem to move through the sky every day. But does the Moon rotate? And if the Moon rotates, why do we always see the same side – it never seems to change.

Well, the Moon does rotate. In fact, the Moon takes 27.3 days to turn once on its axis. But the Moon also takes 27.3 days to complete one orbit around the Earth. Because the Moon’s rotation time is exactly the same amount of time it takes to complete an orbit, it always presents the same face to the Earth, and one face away.

 Because it only presents one face to the Earth, astronomers say that the Moon is tidally locked to the Earth. Although the Moon looks like a perfectly smooth ball, it has slight differences in the shape of its gravity field. A long time ago, the Moon did rotate. But each time it turned, the Earth’s gravity tugged at it, slowing down its rotation until it only presented one face to the Earth. At that point, the Moon was tidally locked, and from our perspective, it doesn’t seem to rotate.

Many other moons in the Solar System are also tidally locked to their planet. In fact, most of Jupiter’s large moons are tidally locked.

So, to answer the question: does the Moon rotate? The Moon rotates once every 27.3 days; the same amount of time that it takes to go around the Earth, and so it always presents the same face to the Earth.

The Moon is familiar; it always looks the same. We know that the Earth rotates, that’s why the Sun, Moon and stars seem to move through the sky every day. But does the Moon rotate? And if the Moon rotates, why do we alway see the same side – it never seems to change.

Well, the Moon does rotate. In fact, the Moon takes 27.3 days to turn once on its axis. But the Moon also takes 27.3 days to complete one orbit around the Earth. Because the Moon’s rotation time is exactly the same amount of time it takes to complete an orbit, it always presents the same face to the Earth, and one face away.

Read more:
The Moon is familiar; it always looks the same. We know that the Earth rotates, that’s why the Sun, Moon and stars seem to move through the sky every day. But does the Moon rotate? And if the Moon rotates, why do we alway see the same side – it never seems to change.

Well, the Moon does rotate. In fact, the Moon takes 27.3 days to turn once on its axis. But the Moon also takes 27.3 days to complete one orbit around the Earth. Because the Moon’s rotation time is exactly the same amount of time it takes to complete an orbit, it always presents the same face to the Earth, and one face away.

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Monday 19 November 2012

Does the Sun rotate? Are we seeing the same face of the Sun all the time?

The Answer

Yes, the Sun does rotate. We can observe this by observing sunspots. All sunspots move across the face of the Sun. This motion is part of the general rotation of the Sun on its axis. Observations also indicate that the Sun does not rotate as a solid body, but it spins differentially. That means that it rotates faster at the equator of the Sun and slower at its poles. (The gas giants Jupiter and Saturn also have differential rotation.) The movements of the sunspots indicate that the Sun rotates once every 27 days at the equator, but only once in 31 days at the poles.

Did you know that the Sun orbits the Milky Way galaxy? Sun Orbit:-  

Everything’s orbiting something it seems. The Moon goes around the Earth, and the Earth orbits the Sun. But did you know that the Sun orbits the Milky Way galaxy?                    

Astronomers have calculated that it takes the Sun 226 million years to completely orbit around the center of the Milky Way. In other words, that last time that the Sun was in its current position in space around the Milky Way, dinosaurs ruled the Earth. in fact, this Sun orbit has only happened 20.4 times since the Sun itself formed 4.6 billion years ago.  

Since the Sun is 26,000 light-years from the center of the Milky Way, it has to travel at an astonishing speed of 782,000 km/hour in a circular orbit around the Milky Way center. Just for comparison, the Earth is rotating at a speed of 1,770 km/h, and it’s moving at a speed of 108,000 km/h around the Sun. 

 It’s estimated that the Sun will continue fusing hydrogen for another 7 billon years or so. In other words, it only has another 31 orbits it can make before it runs out of fuel.

Everything’s orbiting something it seems. The Moon goes around the Earth, and the Earth orbits the Sun. But did you know that the Sun orbits the Milky Way galaxy?

Astronomers have calculated that it takes the Sun 226 million years to completely orbit around the center of the Milky Way. In other words, that last time that the Sun was in its current position in space around the Milky Way, dinosaurs ruled the Earth. in fact, this Sun orbit has only happened 20.4 times since the Sun itself formed 4.6 billion years ago.
Since the Sun is 26,000 light-years from the center of the Milky Way, it has to travel at an astonishing speed of 782,000 km/hour in a circular orbit around the Milky Way center. Just for comparison, the Earth is rotating at a speed of 1,770 km/h, and it’s moving at a speed of 108,000 km/h around the Sun.
It’s estimated that the Sun will continue fusing hydrogen for another 7 billon years or so. In other words, it only has another 31 orbits it can make before it runs out of fuel.

Read more:
Everything’s orbiting something it seems. The Moon goes around the Earth, and the Earth orbits the Sun. But did you know that the Sun orbits the Milky Way galaxy?

Astronomers have calculated that it takes the Sun 226 million years to completely orbit around the center of the Milky Way. In other words, that last time that the Sun was in its current position in space around the Milky Way, dinosaurs ruled the Earth. in fact, this Sun orbit has only happened 20.4 times since the Sun itself formed 4.6 billion years ago.
Since the Sun is 26,000 light-years from the center of the Milky Way, it has to travel at an astonishing speed of 782,000 km/hour in a circular orbit around the Milky Way center. Just for comparison, the Earth is rotating at a speed of 1,770 km/h, and it’s moving at a speed of 108,000 km/h around the Sun.
It’s estimated that the Sun will continue fusing hydrogen for another 7 billon years or so. In other words, it only has another 31 orbits it can make before it runs out of fuel.

Read more:

Sunday 18 November 2012

What we see in the night sky?


• Mercury is difficult to see because it is
always close to the sun.

• Venus is white and very bright. It is always
 seen right after sunset or right before sunrise,
 near the horizon in the direction of the sun.

• Mars is red.

• Jupiter is yellow and very bright.

• Saturn is also yellow, but not as bright as Jupiter.

How to tell the difference between stars and planets?

difference between stars and planets
• Stars stay fixed in their positions relative to one
another. They rise and set a bit earlier each night but
otherwise, in the short term, nothing much changes
about their positions.
• Planets, if you observe them night after night, have
complicated paths that change a lot and they can even appear to change the direction they are moving across the sky.
• Planets almost never twinkle in the sky, whereas stars do.

What are constellations?

constellationsConstellations are patterns of stars shaped
 like animals, objects, or people. They are
created by people and they help us find
and identify stars by connecting them into
smaller groups. The constellations visible
in the sky change from month to month
and most historians think farmers originally
created constellations so that they would
know what time of year it was and when to
plant or harvest their crops.The patterns
constellations people make in the stars and
the shapes and meanings hey attribute to them
have changed over
time and differ among various cultures. For
example, the constellation we call the
Big Dipper or URSA MAJOR is
known as the Plough in Great
Britain and it is thought of as a
wagon in Scandinavia. In Holland
they see it as a saucepan, in some
Native American tribes they view the
stars as a bear, and in Hindu Astronomy
they call the stars the Seven Great Sages.
Now constellations have been redefined
so every star in the sky is in exactly one
constellation. In 1929, the International
Astronomical Union (IAU) adopted 88
official constellations.

Saturday 17 November 2012

Advanced burning in stars

In principle, fusion can continue beyond Carbon and Oxygen. However, such advanced burning in stars
  1. Requires higher and higher temperatures because of having to overcome larger Coulomb barriers.
  2. Produces less and less energy as the masses increase.
  3. Cannot produce energy for fusion products beyond the Iron region (A~60) because that is where the peak of the binding energy curve is located:

Curve of binding energy.

In these more advanced burnings the mechanism is more complex than simple fusion. Typically the sequence involves the disintegration of nuclei by high energy photons in the plasma (a process called photodisintegration) and the subsequent recombination of these in a sequence of fusion reactions. This entire process is called nuclear statistical equilbrium, and is probably resposible for the production of elements from Neon (Ne) up the Iron (Fe) in stars.

We will have more to say about advanced burning stages when we consider late stellar evolution and the death of stars.

Friday 16 November 2012

Distances to Stars

Distances are particularly easy to calculate if we use the parsec as our distance unit. In that case, the distance of a star in parsecs is just

D = 1/p
where D is the distance in pc and p is the parallax angle in seconds of arc. For example, Sirius has a parallax angle of 0.38 seconds of arc and thus its distance from the Earth is d = 1/0.38 = 2.6 pc = 8.6 LY. The nearest star (other than the Sun) is the alpha-Centauri system, which has a parallax of 0.76 seconds of arc, corresponding to a distance of 1.315pc = 4.3 LY. Thus, all stars have parallax angles of less than one second of arc.

 Here is a table of distances to the nearest stars:-

The Nearest Stars

Name Distance
R.A. Dec. Luminosity
(Solar Units)

Proxima Centauri 4.2 M5V 14 30 -62 41 6 x 10-6
Alpha Centauri A 4.3 G2V 14 33 -60 50 1.5
Alpha Centauri B 4.3 K0V 14 33 -60 50 0.5
Barnard's Star 6.0 M4V 17 57 +04 33 4 x 10-4
Wolf 359 (Gliese 406) 7.8 M6V 10 56 +07 03 2 x 10-5
Lalande 21185 (HD 95735) 8.2 M2V 11 04 +36 02 5 x 10-3
Luyten 726-8 A 8.6 M5V 01 38 -17 58 6 x 10-5
Luyten 726-8 B (UV Ceti) 8.6 M6V 01 38 -17 58 4 x 10-5
Sirius A 8.6 A1V 06 45 -16 43 24
Sirius B 8.6 WD 06 45 -16 43 3 x 10-3
Ross 154 (Gliese 729) 9.6 M4V 18 50 -23 49 5 x 10-4
Ross 248 (Gliese 905) 10.3 M6V 23 42 +44 12 1 x 10-4
Epsilon Eridani 10.7 K2V 03 33 -09 27 0.3
Ross 128 (Gliese 447) 10.8 M4V 11 48 +00 49 3 x 10-4
Luyten 789-6 A1 11.1 M5V 22 39 -15 20 1 x 10-4
Luyten 789-6 B 11.1 - 22 39 -15 20 -
Luyten 789-6 C 11.1 - 22 39 -15 20 -
BD +43 44 A (Gliese 15 A) 11.3 M1V 00 18 +44 61 6 x 10-3
BD +43 44 B (Gliese 15 B) 11.3 M3V 00 18 +44 61 4 x 10-4
Epsilon Indi 11.3 K5V 22 03 -56 47 0.14
61 Cygni A 11.3 K5V 21 07 +38 45 0.008
61 Cygni B 11.3 K7V 21 07 +38 45 0.004
BD +59 1915 A (Gliese 725 A) 11.4 M3V 18 43 +59 37 0.003
BD +59 1915 B (Gliese 725 B) 11.4 M4V 18 43 +59 37 0.002
Tau Ceti 11.4 G8V 01 44 -15 56 0.45
Procyon A 11.4 F5IV 07 39 +05 13 7.7
Procyon B 11.4 WD 07 39 +05 13 6 x 10-4
CD -36 15693 (Locaille 9352) 11.5 M2V 23 06 -35 52 0.01
GJ 1111 (G51-15) 11.8 M7V 08 29 +26 47 1 x 10-5
GJ 1061 12.0 M5V 03 36 -44 30 8 x 10-5
Luyten 725-32 (YZ Ceti) 12.2 M5V 01 12 -18 04 3 x 10-4
BD +5 1668 (Gliese 273) 12.3 M4V 07 28 +05 17 0.001
CD -39 14192 (Gliese 825) 12.6 M0V 21 17 -38 52 0.03
Kapteyn's Star 12.6 M0V 05 11 -44 56 0.004

Thursday 15 November 2012

Energy Transport in Stars

The energy produced by thermonuclear reactions in stars in produced in their deep interior because only there are the pressures and temperatures high enough to sustain thermonuclear reactions. However, most of the luminous energy of stars is radiated from the thin region at the surface that we call the photosphere.

Methods of Energy Transport

Thus, a central issue for stars is how they transport the energy produced in the core to the surface. There are 4 important categories of such transport:
  1. Radiative transport of photons
  2. Conduction
  3. Convection
  4. Radiation of neutrinos

Radiative Transport of Photons

The most common method of energy transport in normal stars is by photons. In the deep interior, the stellar material is very opaque, so light travels only a small distance before it is absorbed. It is then re-emitted in a random direction, absorbed after a small distance, remitted, and so on until it reaches the surface. Physicists have a colorful name for such a transport process: it is called the drunken sailor problem, because the path followed by the absorbed and re-emitted photons is like that followed by someone too inebriated to stand up for long. For example, in the case of the Sun the average distance traveled by a photon between absorptions is about a centimeter, and it takes perhaps hundreds of thousands of years for the energy released in the center to make its way to the surface.


Conduction is the way in which metals transport heat. Conduction is not important in most normal stars because the normal approximately ideal gas of a star is a good thermal insulator (like a blanket rather than like a piece of metal). However, under certain conditions involving very high densities the matter of a star may become what is termed degenerate. This can happen, for example, in white dwarfs or neutron stars, or in the cores of massive stars. We will see later that degenerate matter behaves like a metal and is a very good conductor of heat. Thus, conduction is not important in normal stars, but must be accounted for if stars contain degenerate matter.


If the rate at which energy is transported by radiative transport is too slow for the amount of energy being produced, the stellar matter may "boil". This method of energy transport, which is familiar from boiling water or from the rising air associated with thunderstorms, is called convection. Convection is a very efficient method of energy transport because it involves the vertical motion of large packets of gas. In most normal stars the energy transport is by radiation unless the rate at which energy is being produced in the interior exceeds a critical value, in which case the transport becomes convective. In many stars both may operate: some regions of the interior may transport heat by convection and some by radiative transport.

Radiation of Neutrinos

In massive stars late in their lives the amount of energy that must be transported is sometimes larger than either radiation of photons or convection can account for. In these cases, significant amounts of energy may be transported from the center to space by the radiation of neutrinos. This is the dominant method of cooling or stars in advanced burning stages, and also plays a central role in events like supernovae associated with the death of massive stars.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

When did science begin?

Here is a philosophical answers: technically, science began the day the very first humans looked at the sky or ocean and wondered why it was blue, or understood that fire cooks food....what i mean is, science is pretty much the all inclusive study of everything everywhere in order to seek out an explanation for why things are the way they in reality, it began the first time someone wondered how/why anything is the way it is.

Science is an intellectual activity carried on by humans that is designed to discover information about the natural world in which humans live and to discover the ways in which this information can be organized into meaningful patterns. A primary aim of science is to collect facts (data). An ultimate purpose of science is to discern the order that exists between and amongst the various facts.

Science involves more than the gaining of knowledge. It is the systematic and organized inquiry into the natural world and its phenomena. Science is about gaining a deeper and often useful understanding of the world.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Nuclear Reactions

In the fusion of light elements to form heavier ones the nuclei (which carry positive electrical charge) must be forced close enough together to cause them to fuse into a single heavier nucleus.

The Coulomb Barrier

The electrical repulsion produces a barrier to this process called a Coulomb barrier, as illustrated in the following figure, which shows the potential energy of such a system as a function of the separation r between the nuclei.
Coulomb barrier for charged-particle reactions

This figure indicates that the force between nuclei is repulsive until a very small distance separates them, and then it rapidly becomes very attractive. Therefore, in order to surmount the Coulomb barrier and bring the nuclei close together where the strong attractive forces can be felt, the kinetic energy of the particles must be as high as the top of the Coulomb barrier.

Quantum Mechanical Tunneling

In reality, the situation is helped by effects associated with quantum mechanics. Because of what is termed the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, even if the particles do not have enough energy to pass over the barrier there is a very small probabability that the particles pass through the barrier. This is called barrier penetration or tunneling, and is the means by which many such reactions take place in stars. Nevertheless, because this process happens with very small probability, the Coulomb barrier represents a strong hindrance to nuclear reactions in stars.

Overcoming the Coulomb Barrier

The key to initiating a fusion reaction is for the nuclei that are to fuse to collide at very high velocities, thus driving them close enough together for the strong (but very short-ranged) nuclear forces to overcome the electrical repulsion between them. In stars, the probabability of this happening is governed by the temperature and the density at the center of the star.

Monday 12 November 2012

Energy Production in Stars

The stars are at enormous distances from us, yet we can see thousands in the sky without the aid of a telescope. This tells us that the stars are extremely luminous. We must then ask what the source of their enormous energy could be. 

Given what we know about stars like the Sun, there are two possible sources of such energy: (1) gravitational contraction and (2) thermonuclear reactions that convert mass to energy. Both play important roles in producing energy over the lifetime of a star, but the primary energy source for the long stable period of a star's life is thermonuclear fusion. 

 Mass and Energy -

Until the time of Einstein, mass and energy were two separate things. In the special theory of relativity Einstein demonstrated that neither mass nor energy were conserved seperately, but that they could be traded one for the other and only the total "mass-energy" was conserved. The relationship between the mass and the energy is contained in what is probably the most famous equation in science,
E = m c 2
where m is the mass, c is the speed of light, and E is the energy equivalent of the mass. Because the speed of light squared is a very large number when expressed in appropriate units, a small amount of mass corresponds to a huge amount of energy. Thus, the conversion of mass to energy could account for the enormous energy output of the stars, but it is necessary to find a physical mechanism by which that can take place.
Einstein himself originally thought that it might be impossible to find a physical process that could realize the potentiality embedded in his equation and convert mass to energy in usable quantities. In the nuclear age, we now know (both for better and for worse) that he was too pessimistic; there are several physical processes that can accomplish this.

Sunday 11 November 2012

Albert Einstein and the Theory of Relativity

Albert Einstein
Newton's theory of gravitation was soon accepted without 

question, and it remained unquestioned until the beginning
 of this century. Then Albert Einstein shook the foundations 
of physics with the introduction of his Special Theory of 
Relativity in 1905, and his General Theory of Relativity in 
1915. The first showed that Newton's Three Laws of Motion
 were only approximately correct, breaking down when 
velocities approached that of light. The second showed that 
Newton's Law of Gravitation was also only approximately 
correct, breaking down in the presence of very strong 
gravitational fields.


Newton vs. Einstein: Albert's Turn to Kick Butt

We shall consider Relativity in more detail later. Here, we only summarize the differences between Newton's theory of gravitation and the theory of gravitation implied by the General Theory of Relativity. They make essentially identical predictions as long as the strength of the gravitational field is weak, which is our usual experience. However, there are three crucial predictions where the two theories diverge, and thus can be tested with careful experiments.
  1. The orientation of Mercury's orbit is found to precess in space over time, as indicated in the adjacent figure (the magnitude of the effect is greatly exaggerated in this figure). This is commonly called the "precession of the perihelion", because it causes the position of the perihelion to move. Only part of this can be accounted for by perturbations in Newton's theory. There is an extra 43 seconds of arc per century in this precession that is predicted by the Theory of General Relativity and observed to occur (a second of arc is 1/3600 of an angular degree). This effect is extremely small, but the measurements are very precise and can detect such small effects very well.
  2. Einstein's theory predicts that the direction of light propagation should be changed in a gravitational field, contrary to the Newtonian predictions. Precise observations indicate that Einstein is right, both about the effect and its magnitude. A striking consequence is gravitational lensing.
  3. The General Theory of Relativity predicts that light coming from a strong gravitational field should have its wavelength shifted to larger values (what astronomers call a "red shift"), again contary to Newton's theory. Once again, detailed observations indicate such a red shift, and that its magnitude is correctly given by Einstein's theory.
  4. The electromagnetic field can have waves in it that carry energy and that we call light. Likewise, the gravitational field can have waves that carry energy and are called gravitational waves. These may be thought of as ripples in the curvature of spacetime that travel at the speed of light. Just as accelerating charges can emit electromagnetic waves, accelerating masses can emit gravitational waves. However gravitational waves are difficult to detect because they are very weak and no conclusive evidence has yet been reported for their direct observation. They have been observed indirectly in the binary pulsar. Because the arrival time of pulses from the pulsar can be measured very precisely, it can be determined that the period of the binary system is gradually decreasing. It is found that the rate of period change (about 75 millionths of a second each year) is what would be expected for energy being lost to gravitational radiation, as predicted by the Theory of General Relativity.

The Modern Theory of Gravitation

And there is stands to the present day. Our best current theory of gravitation is the General Theory of Relativity. However, only if velocities are comparable to that of light, or gravitational fields are much larger than those encountered on the Earth, do the Relativity theory and Newton's theories differ in their predictions. Under most conditions Newton's three laws and his theory of gravitation are adequate.