Sunday 4 November 2012

Largest Stars in the Universe

Hello! Everyone. 
Today I am going to post the list of Largest Stars in this Universe.
 (Written by Abhishek Maddali )

                                                              Lets take a look at them!

VY Canis Majoris

Galaxy: Milky Way

Type: Hyper Giant Crimson Star

Radius: 1, 53, 01, 00, 000 Kms

Radius compared to Sun: 2200 Times

Distance from us: 5000 Light Years

VV Cephei A

Galaxy: Milky Way

Type: Red Galactic Super Giant Binary Star

Radius: 1, 32, 14, 50, 000 Kms

Radius Compared to Sun: 1900 Times

Distance from us: 2700 Light Years

V838 Mono Cerotis

Galaxy: Andromeda

Type: Luminous Red Nova Star

Radius: 1, 09, 19, 35, 000 Kms

Radius Compared to Sun: 1570 Times

Distance from us: 2000 Light Years


Galaxy: Large Magellanic Cloud

Type: Red Super Giant Star

Radius: 1, 07, 10, 70, 000 Kms

Radius Compared to Sun: 1540 Times

Distance from us: 2400 Light Years

V354 Caphei

Galaxy: Milky Way

Type: Super Red Giant

Radius: 1, 06, 00, 00, 000 Kms

Radius Compared to Sun: 1520 Times

Distance from us: 9000 Light Years
 KY Cygni

Galaxy: Milky Way

Type: Red Super Giant Star

Radius: 98, 76, 10, 000 Kms

Radius Compared to Sun: 1420 Times

Distance from us: 5000 Light Years

KW Sagittarii

Galaxy: Milky Way

Type: Red Super Giant Star

Radius: 97, 37, 00, 000 Kms

Radius compared to Sun: 1400 Times

Distance from us: 10, 000 Light Years

RW Caphei

Galaxy: Milky Way

Type: Hyper Red Giant Star

Radius: 87, 63, 30, 000 Kms

Radius compared to Sun: 1260 Times

Distance from us: 11, 500 Light Years
PZ Cassiopeiae

Galaxy: Large Magellanic Cloud

Type: Red Super Giant Star

Radius: 82, 76, 45, 000 Kms

Radius compared to Sun: 1190 Times

Distance from us: 11, 000 Light Years
MU Cephei

Galaxy: Milky Way

Type: Red Super Giant Garnet Star

Radius: 45, 20, 75, 000 Kms

Radius compared to Sun: 650 Times

Distance from us: 6000 Light Years

Hope You like this.
Thank You.


Light Year: 9.46 x 10 to the power of 12 Kms: 94, 60, 00, 00, 00, 000 Kms.

Radius of Sun: 6, 95, 500 Kms.

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