Jagpal Singh May 2013 ~ All About Astronomy

Friday, 31 May 2013

Eagle nebula discovered by Jean-Philippe de Cheseaux

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The Eagle Nebula is a young open cluster of stars in the constellation Serpens, discovered by Jean-Philippe de Cheseaux in 1745-46. Its name derives from its shape that is thought to resemble an eagle. Location:  Constellation Serpens Distance to Earth: 6,500 light years Size: 9.5 light years  What are the Pillars of Creation? One of the best-known pictures of the Eagle Nebula is the Hubble Space Telescope image...

Thursday, 30 May 2013

What is a Supernova Remnant ?

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A supernova remnant is simply what is left over (i.e. the remnant) of a supernova. That probably isn't a very helpful definition, so I'll try to explain what I mean. First, I should probably define what is meant by the term "supernova." A supernova is simply the explosion of a star.  The energy released in a typical supernova is on the order of 1044 joules. (A joule is simply a unit of energy that physicists use). 1044 is a 1...

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

What is a Nebula ?

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A cloud of gas and dust in outer space, visible in the night sky either as an indistinct bright patch or as a dark silhouette against... (in general use) Any indistinct bright area in the night sky, e.g., a distant galaxy.  A nebula is an interstellar cloud of hydrogen, helium, plasma and dust. They are often called "stellar nurseries" because stars are "born" within them. There are many types of Nebula, some stars have nebula's...

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

How to become an Astronomer ? (A Guide for Students of All Ages)

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Introduction -  Astronomy is a very exciting and challenging subject which involves many of the other sciences such as physics, mathematics, chemistry and geology, and, more recently, even paleontology and biology. Many people are fascinated by the splendour and enormity of objects in space and become amateur astronomers while still at school. Astronomy can be an engrossing hobby for people of all ages, and there are many clubs...

Saturday, 25 May 2013

How to Tell the Difference Between Planets and Stars ?

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Astronomy can be confusing! There's so much jargon involved, and it can be very difficult to tell things apart, both visually and verbally. However, there are telltale signs that seperate stars from planets. Here's how to do it with observations. Steps -  Get a good set of star charts. These always come in handy. Google Sky Map is functional and simple for the novice. Astronomy books, such as David Levy'sA Guide to Skywatching,...

Friday, 24 May 2013

How to Choose the Right Telescope ?

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Ever been interested in space and the night sky? Well, these steps will start you off on a great adventure. Steps -   The diameter of the objective lens or mirror is the most important number describing a telescope. Larger diameter lenses or mirrors allow higher resolution (ability to separate closely spaced objects) and will gather more light from faint astronomical objects. They also cost more. A good size for a first ...

How to Calculate a Light Year ?

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A light-year is measured by the distance ( NOT time! ) light will travel in one year. This can be calculated by multiplying seconds in a year × the speed of light. Steps - Calculate Seconds in a year   The formula for working out seconds in a year. Seconds in a minute × minutes in a hour × hours in a day × days in a year. Multiply 60 seconds by 60 minutes. 60 × 60 = 3,600 seconds. Multiply 3,600 seconds by 24 hours....

Monday, 20 May 2013

The International Space Station: Inside and Out

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Monday, 13 May 2013

How to make an Astronomical Telescope at home ?

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To make a simple telescope at home, you will need the following:   two magnifying glasses - perhaps 1 - 1.5 inches (2.5-3 cm) diameter (it works best if one is larger than the other) a cardboard tube - paper towel roll or gift-wrapping paper roll (it helps if it is long) duct tape scissors a ruler, yard stick, or tape measure sheet of printed paper - newspaper or magazine will do To assemble your telescope, do the following:   Get...

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Astronomy - A Self Teaching Guide - Dinah L.Moche

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Astronomy is a user-friendly guide for beginners. Chapters make it easy for you to quickly learn the main topics of a college level course. Sections clarify basic principles and contemporary advances. The Index enables you to look up concepts, definitions, facts and famous astronomers, fast. You can use the book alone or with a conventional textbook, Internet based or distance-learning course, computer software, telescope manual,...

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Ideas and Opinions by Albert Einstein

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A new edition of the most definitive collection of Albert Einstein's popular writings, gathered under the supervision of Einstein himself. The selections range from his earliest days as a theoretical physicist to his death in 1955; from such subjects as relativity, nuclear war or peace, and religion and science, to human rights, economics, and government. IDEAS AND OPINIONS contains essays by eminent scientist Albert Einstein...

Monday, 6 May 2013

Introduction to Astronomy and Cosmology - Ian Morison (eBook)

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Astronomy is probably the oldest of all the sciences. It differs from virtually all other science disciplines in that it is not possible to carry out experimental tests in the laboratory. Instead, the astronomer can only observe what he sees in the Universe and see if his observations fit the theories that have been put forward.  Astronomers do, however, have one great advantage: in the Universe, there exist extreme states...

Friday, 3 May 2013

Encyclopedia of Astronomy & Astrophysics (eBook)

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Publisher: Taylor & Francis | ISBN: 0750304405 | edition 2001 | DJVU | 5306 pages | 143 MB Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics is truly a landmark publication. Not only is it the most comprehensive and up-to-date work of its kind but it is also the first astronomy encyclopedia to be released in both print and Web formats. From astrophysical theories to astronomical objects to historical events to current space exploration,...

Thursday, 2 May 2013

What causes gravity?

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Though some scientists theorize that gravity is caused by particles called gravitons, most agree that gravity is a product of mass. Everything with mass, from a dust mote to a star, exerts a gravitational pull. The force of the pull, however, increases with mass and proximity to the object. So a small object can only attract another small object that's nearby, but a large object, like a planet or a star, can pull in objects...

Astronomy: The Solar System and Beyond, 6 Edition (ebook)

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Description - Michael A. Seeds, Dana Backman, "Astronomy: The Solar System and Beyond, 6 Edition" Br..ks.C.e | 2009 |512 pages | PDF | 61.8 MB With this newly revised 6th edition of ASTRONOMY: THE SOLAR SYSTEM AND BEYOND, Mike Seeds and Dana Backman's goal is to help students use astronomy to understand science and use science to understand what we are. Fascinating and engaging, this text illustrates the scientific method...

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Where Did The Moon Come From? (eBook)

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The current standard theory of the origin of the Moon is that the Earth was hit by a giant impactor the size of Mars causing ejection of iron poor impactor mantle debris that coalesced to form the Moon. But where did this Mars-sized impactor come from? Isotopic evidence suggests that it came from 1AU radius in the solar nebula and computer simulations are consistent with it approaching Earth on a zero-energy parabolic trajectory....

The Birth And Death Of The Sun (eBook)

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How did our sun come into being? What keeps it hot and luminous, and what will be its ultimate fate? In this fascinating and informative book, George Gamow - renowned physicist and author of the best-seller One Two Three... Infinity - outlines the discoveries and theories that illuminate the evolution of our world. One of the founders of Big Bang theory, Gamow employs language that's both scientifically accurate and simple enough...