Tuesday 18 June 2013

Clown Face Nebula (Eskimo Nebula)

Eskimo Nebula

A planetary nebula, also known as the Eskimo Nebula, in the constellation Gemini, position RA 07 h 29.2 m, dec. +20◦ 55 . It is bluish, 13" in diameter, and of ninth magnitude, with a tenth-magnitude central star. The bluegreen nebula’s hazy outer regions are thought to resemble an Eskimo’s hood or clown’s ruff.

The formation resembles a person's head surrounded by a parka hood. It is surrounded by gas that composed the outer layers of a Sun-like star. The visible inner filaments are ejected by a strong wind of particles from the central star. The outer disk contains unusual light-year long filaments.

 The nebula was discovered by William Herschel on January 17, 1787, in Slough, England. He described it as "A star 9th magnitude with a pretty bright middle, nebulosity equally dispersed all around.

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